
Being Taken vs. Being Lectured

I would like to understand French people. The only real problem I’ve encountered while in Strasbourg is the fact that I have yet to truly the complex French mind. I didn’t realize how big of a problem this was until I was out last night.  For example, at one particular club we were at, besides the group I was with, I spoke to two patrons who were also at the club.

The first individual gave me what seemed to be a 15 minute lecture that could basically be summed up in a couple sentences—rather than 15 minutes, like he made it out to be. The way I was dancing, was apparently not how people in French clubs danced. If I kept on doing it, it would only further embarrass me and my friends. This took me off guard—in America, no one in a club would ever think to reprimand someone for their behavior. They would just let them do their thing, even if it was out of place for the establishment.  Still, it was good to know. I thought that this lecture, as annoying and embarrassing as it was to get it, would help me understand the overall French psyche. Wrong.

Just when I decided that the French were just way more reserved than Americans when it came to partying, another individual began talking to me. This individual was not reserved at all. In fact, after a few minutes, it became clear to me that this individual was trying to have sex with me in a bathroom stall. After being saved from this horrible fate from friends, I was left even more confused about the French way of life.

Dancing in a certain way was looked down upon, but trying to have sex with random girls in bathroom stalls was normal? I was, and still am very confused. Surely there has to be a happy medium between getting lectured and getting taken.  I’d like to think what I experienced are just so bad examples of what the French are like when it comes to “partying” environments. I realize that confusion is supposed to happen when you’re living in a brand new environment. I guess I just have to accept my confused state and hopefully learn something from it by the end of the trip. 

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