
Living and Learinng

Even though we've been here for like three weeks, I feel like sometimes it's new.
One of the key things that sticks out to me is the pride here. Everyone here just has this certain "swagg" about them. The pride shines out of them like a bright light. The light can be seen from the way walk to even their clothes.
At home must of us dress nice every now and then, but it's nothing compared to these people. They don't just toss on any old thing to go to class or head downtown. We even have to get presentable for breakfast. Not saying there is anything bad about this, it's just a change.
I admire this, this one thing I want to carry home with me. A lot can be said about a person by the way they dress. I want there to be a little glow about me as well.
Another noticeable thing is everyone is so mobile here. Living close to the park we can see people coming and going. Everyone is on their bikes or running. This is another difference from home. There is a wide variety of people taking part in these activities. It's normal to see young people out doing these things, but here it literally is a spectrum of all the ages. It's so interesting to see groups just peddling along smiling, or hitting a few laps. This gives me the feeling they not only care about their bodies, but are enjoying being active. People refer to Americans as lazy, I was offended by this at first. But now I kind of understand this idea when comparing the two countries.
These two ideals really stuck in my mind. These people are proud of themselves and who they are, where they come from. I have learned so much already about the rich culture of Strasbourg/ Alsace Region. Most of the buildings here are older than most of American . There's some story behind most of what we see; instead of letting it waste away they preserve it. Each day here I 'm living and learning something new. The people here are proud, and hopefully this will be one of the things I carry with me.

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