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It is hard not to notice the lack of advertisements here in France compared to the United States. Sure, you have them at every bus stop but that is close to about all. When there is an actual billboard that you see in town, and this is only where cars are driving, it is just one small board with rotating ads. It also seems like they are placed in a strategic manor so as not to mess with the beauty of the city. For example, when I went to Paris this weekend most of the advertisements were in the Metro below ground. You did not even mind the advertisements down there because it was like decoration.

I also noticed on the interstate to Colmar and Paris that there were no billboards just an ongoing freeway. At home you pass more billboards than you can count. Marketers beg farmers for pieces of their land to smack a billboard down for some McDonalds ad.

You hear many of your friends say America is a capitalist country but you just laugh and go on. I am beginning to rethink how seriously capitalist we really are and if we should have more rules on the matter, I know no one can compete with Japan but this is a reflection between France (Europe) and The States for now. Of course by no means am I saying that France or Europe is advertisement or capitalist free but they just seem to have more rules on the issue.

This is just something I have noticed and starting compairing.


-Tyler Underwood

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