

I am so very sorry that I could not come up with a creative name for this blog, but as of now with a week and a half left to go, I'm running low on fumes. Anyway, for the past couple of week, I have been extremely, extremely homesick. However, the trip to Paris curbed that hunger just a little bit. Before going, I asked the group that went prior to me about the city, about how much money to bring, and about what to do when I got there. Unfortunately, most of it was negative. The city is dirty, there's too many people, it's too expensive..... I so glad that they were wrong. Maybe just maybe they were on the rough side of town but I thoroughly enjoyed my experience. Our first day there, Jessica, Rachel and myself, we decided to go on a walking tour. Of coarse we needed help with navigating the metro system so we went to the most obvious place: information. It was the same ol' same ol' "Parlez vous anglais?" Head knod " No". SN: people in Paris are more serious, in my opinion about not speaking english.
Just to be a little random, I'll skip to the fun parts about the trip. On our first train ride to the hotel, there was a man on the train playing the acordian, how french. In Atlanta people get on the train argue, curse out loud, try to sale " Alkaline" water and tell you the government is putting tracking devices in our babies. In Paris, its much more cultured, even if they do ask you for money later. In addition to that lovely exposure to real music, when our tour guide Jessica Fitzgerald, took us to the centre de pomp......there was a lady whom, I guess decided that she wanted to be like the real talented people and try out her toy violin. With no form and not a finger placed on a string, she began to move the bow back and forth, creating her own tune that was not pleasant at all. However, it was great comedy; she seriously was hoping for someone to pay her for her performance. I also noticed, that in Paris there are a lot of black people or at least more than what we have seen in "this" part of strasbourg.  I truely enjoyed Paris; it was dream come true for me and I do plan on bringing my family back soon. It was not too dirty in fact, it reminded me of Atlanta, but only in small ways.

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