
I don't know what I wanna be when I grow up...

   The past week I have been enjoying copious amounts of time to myself just lounging around the Chateau. Well, actually the computer lab since there is now a gigantic lack of wifi anywhere close to my room. It is quite a crying shame. The point in this is that I haven't gone anywhere, no random travels to distant places. No spending money I do not have on things that I do not need. These past few days I have been preoccupying my time by thinking about the future. Trying to get an apartment set up for the upcoming new year. Trying to figure out what my budget is looking like for the near future, which is pretty much next to nothing. Money has never been a big deal to me. I know things will straighten itself out eventually, and I can only try to work towards that little by little. This will be especially difficult with the amount of debt I have built up this semester while studying abroad. Living ain't cheap is what my dad always tells me, he just never said living in France will run ya into the ground. That part I was not prepared for. However, I have always been very independent and I realize that money is always a priority, but to me it's just paper. I can manage mine pretty easily, despite what my mother thinks.
    It has been a pretty enlightening past few days, figuring out what my near future holds. The one thing I know for sure is that I will be so stressed that my hair will probably be falling out by the end of the semester. Some things that I am not sure about is whether or not I will be have enough hours to graduate like I intend too this upcoming semester or if I will fall short of a few of my major requirements. If my advisor would ever get back to me on this subject then I think I could put my mind at ease. Another thing is of course, my financial situation but I have already talked about that. Something that has been weighing on my mind the most lately is if I am even prepared to graduate next semester. This time I don't mean hourly wise. But am I seriously prepared to take on the real world? I seriously have my doubts. I have a great resume that I have built up over the years, however where will that take me. What kind of jobs can I look forward too. These are the sort of things that I have to look forward too in the next few months, loads of uncertainty. Hopefully I can get myself set up with an internship or two in order to further build my resume. Then if all works out then I can move on to law school, at least I know that if I manage to make it through that then I will have set myself up for the future. See, the thing is, I have a hazy plan laid out in my head, but who knows if everything will work out the way I hope to God that they do. I guess that is just the funny thing about the future, you never know what it will hold. You don't know if it's "gonna run ya into the ground." Or if it is going to let you land on your feet. When I drop out of the sky that is college, I guess that's when I'll finally find out.

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