
"If our lives are dominated by a search for happiness, then perhaps few activities reveal as much about the dynamics of this quest--in all its ardouor and paradoxes--than our travels. They express, however inarticulately, an understanding of what life might be about, outside the constaints of work and of the struggle for survival. Yet rarely are they considered to present philosophical problems--that is, issues requiring thought beyond the pratical." - Alain de Botton
I've never really asked myself why do I travel. Like, why do I love to go out of town and spend loads of money on plane tickets, hotels, food, and souvenirs? Is it truly worth of it ? I believe, I do honestly get a joy from traveling. Why else would I do it? I know I cannot speak for everyone, but I have two general ideas of why people love to travel: for a change of scenary and for the story.
In West Virginia, we joke that we only travel to two different places, Myrtle Beach or Hilton Head. Every West Virginian knows someone that travels to these two places every single summer or they themselves do this. Going to the same place every year has to get old, right? No, they love it! West Virginians are known as hard working people, so once a year, they reward themselves with one week of relaxation. The mountains begin to get boring and people like to drive south and see the beach.
The second reason I think people travel is a bit more arguable. I don't think some people go for relaxation,but more so, for the story. They cannot wait to get back home and to tell everyone what a great time they had. It's more so a way to show off, but some people do actually get a joy out of this. These people don't care to tell you how much money they spent on their private villa or how much it costs to fly their entire family overseas first-class. They could've struggled to pay for their trip or had a horrible time, but you'd never know because they don't want you to know that. They just want you to be jealous of where they went!
Once again, this is all personal opinion, but everyone's free to tell me their opinions also!
- Erryonna

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