
Where Are You Really?

I 've hard people often wish they could be in two places at once. What most people don't realize is, they are. I had never considered this to be an option myself until recently. In his book Botton is very descriptive of a number of things. Sometimes (especially near the beginning), I felt like he was too descriptive. I was wondeing, why must he drag things out? I still felt the same emotions until I saw something that interested me.
" It is unfortunately hard to recall our quasi- permanent concern with the future, for on our return from a place, perhaps the first thing to disappear from memory is just how much of the past we spent dweling on what was to come; how much of it, that is, we spent somewhere other than where we were."-- A. Botton.
At times while I've been here, I wished I could be in two places at once. What I didn't realize, was I had been. It's that time in most of our college careers when realize, " Oh crap, I'm graduating soon." I'm don't consider myself to be much of a worrier, but lately I have been. At some point I realized I don't have a plan for my future. I thought I did, but this experience is slowly changing that.
I 've just been spending time, thinking, researching, praying about what to do. I realize I'm not the only one who feels this, but yet that doesn't make it any better. I have managed to be in two places at once. My body has been here positioned in France, but my mind has been everywhere else.
This passage I choose was the first time I could really connect with this book. Everyone's been saying, " Don't worry about, enjoy Europe." I couldn't tell you how long I've spent dwelling over these decisions. That statement, that passage was so true, and applied to me personally.

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